A World Record-breaking Installation in a Clubland Oasis

Oryx’s expertise in delivering high quality architectural products that are in harmony with their interior and exterior surroundings and exquisite in style meant that we were a natural choice to bring the vision of Purobeach ‘Oasis del Mar’ to life.
Working together with architects Carter Associates and Hennessy Contracting, Oryx proposed and installed a never-before seen 22-leaf Folding Door system, which would make the most of the club’s stunning vistas. Despite such a challenge, the finished result is an extensive decking area encased by high-grade aluminium doors that open up to reveal the Balinese stone pool, private beach and a stunning panorama of the Persian Gulf.
When open, the result is a truly epic space without limitations. And when closed, the doors reflect the spectacular views around the club. These doors don’t only offer some serious design credentials; they have also earned the U.A.E. yet another world record, for the largest number of consecutive folding doors to ever be installed. And they come conform to all the latest safety standards.
Purobeach is the perfect showcase for demonstrating the versatility and enormous impact of Origin’s Folding Doors and the Oryx team was thrilled to have been a part of this ambitious and larger-than-life project.
Learn more about available folding door options by Oryx HERE